Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lichens ~ June 18, 2007

I had no idea what to expect from this opening act for Tortoise, but the buzz on the street was that it would be good. Turns out is was. Lichens is one guy, Robert Lowe, who totally managed to transfix the audience. Mr. Lowe came out and sat down on his stool. Near him was a mic, guitar and some effects pedals. He proceeded to pick-up the mic, put it up to his mouth and these lovely bird whistles started emitting from the PA. He did a variety of these all the while looping the different ones until it sound just like we were in an enchanted forest or something. While the bird songs were looping he picked up the guitar and did some improvised swatches, some of which were atmospheric some were sort of bluesy. This went on for a few minutes until he set the guitar down and picked up the mic again and began doing these deep toned whistles that sounded like wooden flutes. He started harmonizing with the previous tones he looped. All the while the bird songs where still playing. Next, he started singing wordless tones, starting in the lower registers and then he started harmonizing with those loops in higher and higher resisters. This entire piece went on for almost 25 minutes and was amazingly beautiful. A girl behind me at one point said in astonishment,
'this is crazy!" It was. Fans of droning, relaxing, atmospheric music might just check Lichens out. He has two CD's out (here).

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